“There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs” goes a standard notion, but soaring against all the odds is what the noted author- Satya Vyas completely believes in. In his latest book, '
DilliDarbaar', the protagonist flows against the waves and attains the success by taking shortcuts. This time, it's not just the story of love, friendship and trust that wins the heart of the Indian audience, its the contemporary language of the book that steals the show. Breaking the stereotype, Satya Vyas has surfaced a new path by publishing a book for teens in Hindi language.
The beautiful writing comes natural to the author- Satya Vyas. He is a logistics professional working with a public sector Navratna company. When asked to differentiate between his two entirely non-identical personalities i.e a writer and a professional, he said he is 'a professional by day and a writer at night'.
Satya Vyas |
1. Seeing the current scenario of Hindi literature in our country, do you think that the population of people reading Hindi literature is decreasing?
Satya Vyas: Despite being official language of the country, Hindi does not have a PAN India influence. So comparing its literature with English will be unfair. But seeing the new trend and taste of readers and from my own experience, I can say that the readers have started taking interest in Hindi literature once again and that too with a sense of pride.
2. Can you give us a brief entail of your latest novel 'Dilli Darbaar' ?
Satya Vyas: The latest one - 'Dilli Darbaar' is a joyful journey of a young, jovial, techno geek ‘Rahul Mishra’ from a careless flirt to a responsible man. The story revolves around the lifestyle, efforts and adaptability of a small town guy who comes to Delhi for better future prospects. A techno geek whose mantra in life is ‘There is always a short cut to Success’ and ironically he proves himself right with his own eccentric ways. The story is also about Paridhi, who is a typical East Delhi girl. The story is the path to find the meaning of love, trust, friendship and 'life'.
3. The most important aspect of any novel is its title. Giving an attractive yet concise title is a must. The title of your first book- “Banaras Talkies” totally comply with the above parameters. How did you come up with the idea of denoting your book with such a fascinating name?
Satya Vyas: I believe that the title of a book should be apt and relatable to the readers. While considering the title- target readers, genre and the content of the book must be kept in mind.
Banaras Talkies describes the story of BHU (Banaras Hindu University) in Banaras. Also, because all the chapters of the book are named after a relevant Hindi movie. So, I decided to go for the title 'Banaras Talkies'.
4. Both, 'Banaras Talkies' and 'Dilli Darbar' book basically deals with the youth and its lifestyle. But, majority of the youth today prefer reading books in English over Hindi language. So being a book for teenagers, what made you compile the pages of your book in Hindi Language?
Satya Vyas: Youth today prefer reading books in English because they are left with no other option. Variety, content and price wise English books are available within an arm's reach. Here lies the problem with Hindi. We have not provided them the book of their taste. Hindi writing has always been treated as the matter for matured mind. It never bothers to write for teens or young generation barring a couple of exceptions. This made me think about writing Banaras talkies and now Dilli Darbaar in Hindi. Moreover, ideas come best in my mother tongue.
5. Your first novel is all about the college life of youth. It is filled with humour and suspense. How will you explain the book in short, when someone asks you about it?
Satya Vyas: My first novel is Banaras Talkies. Banaras Talkies can be referred as syllabus of university life. A journal of day to day encounters of hostel life. While narrating the incidents in the most jovial manner, Banaras Talkies tells the story of love, friendship and betrayal. Juiciness and succulence of the content take the readers to a fun filled literature ride. Also, the thrilling climax is the USP of this novel. You'll not be able to crack the suspense until the book itself reveals it.
6. You are both, a diligent professional and a passionate writer. What difference do you find between your two personalities?
Satya Vyas: I have drawn a clear demarcation between 'Satya- The Professional' and 'Satya- The writer'. The demarcation is as thick as day and night. In other words, one may say, that I am a professional by day and a writer at night.
7. You are being addressed as 'The Chetan Bhagat of Hindi Literature'. What would you like to say about it?
Satya Vyas: Chetan is the stalwart of contemporary Indian writing who has created a niche for himself and paved the way for others too. He established the fact that writing can be a career option too. So, the tag of 'The Chetan Bhagat of Hindi Literature' definitely elates me. But, I will be happier when media and Hindi fraternity finds a name from Hindi literature to compare with.